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Visit our Facebook page: Catholic Parish Andover, Hampshire, UK - photos, information and news are always welcome!
Prayer Group
Prayer Group. Join us on Tuesday evenings between 7.00pm and 7.30pm.
If you would like to choose a theme, scripture reading and music, have a copy of the El Shaddai Healing Prayer or further info., please contact Frank Saunders via the Parish Office.
Finance and Property Committee
SVP – St Vincent de Paul Group
APF – Missio
Bible Study Group
Tuesday Evening Prayer Group
Altar Servers
Church ‘Welcomers’
Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers of the Word
Children’s First Holy Communion Catechists
Church Choir
Andover Foodbank –
Church Cleaning Group
Flower Arrangers
Monthly Journal - Parish and Local Interest
To enquire about any of the activities on the list, please contact the Parish Office.