Here you will find all the information about Portsmouth Bamenda. 

In 1974 the dioceses of Bamenda and Portsmouth were formally twinned. Bamenda is the capital of North West Province in Cameroon, West Africa. In 1970 the Bamenda Diocese had been created and Paul Verdzekov appointed as the first bishop. Later the diocese of Kumbo was split from Bamenda and Cornelius Esua appointed its bishop. In January 2006 Archbishop Paul retired to be replaced by Archbishop Cornelius who was assisted by Bishop Michael Bibi. In 2020

Archbishop Cornelius retired and was replaced by Archbishop Fuanya. Back in 1974 the first missionaries from Portsmouth went out to Bamenda to spread the Gospel. Today that situation is now reversed, we currently have six priests from Bamenda Diocese ministering in our Diocese of Portsmouth.

Over the past 40 years more than £1,000,000 raised by Portsmouth Diocese has been spent on supporting projects in Bamenda in collaboration with the local communities in the areas of Faith, Health, Education and Social Welfare.

Our brothers and sisters in Bamenda Archdiocese are continuing to suffer in the current socio-political crisis. 

Human rights atrocities are occurring on a daily basis and hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced from their homes.  Our friends are asking for our prayers, increased international awareness and political pressure to call for a

peaceful resolution to the troubles and financial help for the work of the Ad Hoc Committee which has been set up to

respond to the humanitarian need.




Below is a standing order form for BAMENDA.

Only £5 per month would meet the annual primary school fees for an orphaned or vulnerable child.  Thank you

BAMENDA Standing Order Form.docx
Microsoft Word Document 16.9 KB